103 Beecham Drive
Yorktown , VA 23692
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Holston Concrete-Logo
(757) 898-2806
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Concrete Slabs

 Free Estimates  |  Class B Contractors  |  Flexible Scheduling Available

 Free Estimates 
 Class B Contractors 
 Flexible Scheduling Available

(757) 898-2806
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Does Your Foundation Need More Structure?

Concrete slabs can be the answer to your foundational issue as they serve to support weight in many instances. Through the installation of these hunks of concrete, you can get the finish you want at a price that's always affordable.

Call our locally owned and operated company today to explain your slab needs, and we'll put over 15 years of experience into your concrete solution.

Our Sought-After Credentials

Slabs sometimes involve the use of aggregate layers, even meshing, given their functions. You give us the facts, and we'll provide the concrete slab or slabs you need. Rest assured in your decision to hire us as we have the know-how and equipment, including excavators and dump trucks, to get the job done! We take pride in our work.

Slab Installations Include

  • Garage floors
  • Basement floors
  • Industrial shop floors
  • Patios and porches
  • Basketball courts
  • Tennis courts
  • AC unit bases
  • Poured concrete
  • Exposed aggregate
  • Broomed and brushed finish
  • Smooth finish

Slabs for Your Garage Floor

Call us for a FREE estimate

(757) 898-2806

(757) 898-2806
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